Birthday boy braves father funeral to play for Ind


Birthday boy braves father’s funeral to play for India

Personal sacrifices mark any committed players’ career. Krishan Bahadur Pathak, the Indian goalkeeper, who is now in Lilleshall National Sports Cente, England, as a part of Junior India team, bore one last week.

Two days before Indian team’s departure for a two-nation engagement in England, the dreadful news came to him. His father Tek Bahadur, 67, expired in his home town, Lughdi in distant country Nepal.

As youngest of four wards of the departed soul, Krishan was in shock, but faced the dilemma of his young life, practical difficulty in getting there to pay his last respects to his beloved father. He cannot proceed to his native, which is about six hours from Kathmandu and then join the team back in time that is embarking on a two-week training cum competition to England.

The Indians were in Bangalore camp, and were to leave from there.

Coach Harendra Singh offered him help, permitted him to attend his father’s funeral and make his choice without any fear of continuity in the team.

The 20-year old boy, considering logistics and his eagerness not to miss out his maiden tour, opted to continue his hockey journey.

“I was given freehand. I was in double mind for some moments, then decided to be with team. Slowly I will forget the sorrow” was his reaction to this site.

“My uncle here in India also consoled me, asked me not to go Nepal, assuring they will all take care of rituals”, said Krishan, moments after displaying a wonderful skills against Scotland in the first test.

India won the tight match 2-1 but had to wither out a battery of penalty corners that the Scots got, its here he and another goalie Suraj saved the day for India in the first test.

“Krishan played superbly, these two goalies saved our day”, elated Harendra Singh said after the match.

Sunday was Krishan Bahadur’ s birthday, which was on low key due to the personal tragedy.
Indian hockey is full of such sacrifices, the Krishan’s one is really touching.

Note: India considers neighbour country Nepal benign historically, has open border. Many Nepalese migrate to India for jobs and businesses. They are a visible face in various Indian sport teams including hockey.