ACM 2007: Capt Hu Hui Ren steals the show as China

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Captain Hu Hui Ren steals the show as China makes ahead in the BSNL Asia Cup

China’s strength in set pieces and penalty corner conversions came to the fore against Thailand in the third day of the seventh BSNL Asia Cup, being held in Chennai. Despite seemingly playing at a leisurely pace, emerging power China overwhelmed Thailand 13-0 in the morning of Monday today after the competition commenced after a day’s break.

China converted seven of its 13 penalty corners for the fabulous win. Defender and captain Hu Hui Ren fructified a brace of goals in the space of three minutes off the team’s second and fourth PCs before letting the others to do the scoring act. Medio Lu Feng Hui then came up with his own brace of goals through PCs. It was again the captain who posted three more goals off PCs, the last one coming at the stroke of the hooter. The captain also scored a field goal, the team’s first, in the 14th minutes, thus taking his match’s tally to six, so far the highest score by any here.

As was only expected Thailand was subdued throughout the proceedings

On the contrary, the first match of the morning session witnessed some competitive stuff. After thrashed by India to a record 20-0, Sri Lankans were expected to go bad to worse, but he islanders came up with a commendable performance though at the end they finished gain a loser.

Bangladesh’s centreforward Rasel Mahmud, who was later declared Man of the Match, opened the scoring in the fourth minute, but then the Lankans came with resolute defence. Their frontline also functioned with a purpose. But what let them down was their inability to make use of the chances they created. In penalty corner in particular they were found wanting. Sri Lanka earned 8 penalty corners as against 6 by the Bangladesis, but converted only one. Whereas Bangaladesh converted its very first PC, the third became a stroke – which defender Md. Mamun easily converted – and the third goal came from fourth penalty corner.

A draw would have been a perfect refection of the field proceedings.

India will take on Korea in the last match of the day.