Birsa Munda clean sweep in all State Nehrus

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SUNDARGARH: Birsa Munda Vidya Peetha , Rourkela has won the state level Nehru hockey tournament in all the three categories – Sub junior and junior boys and junior girls- to qualify to play in the proper Nehru Hockey championship at Delhi. The three day tournament was organized at the Sundargarh stadium from 26th to 28th September. BMVP did not face much resistance in girls and sub junior boys finals against the Town High school, Sundargarh team. BMVP won both the finals with identical 5-0 margin. However in junior boys final Town High school, Sundargarh tried hard to salvage school’s prestige at the home ground but here also BMVP frustrated them by registering a 2-0 victory over them.

In Girls final match Birsa Munda Vidyapeetha defeated arc rivals Town High School, Sundargarh 5-0. Lilima Minz (6th) , Rashmita Kullu (18th) Anupa Barla (38th and 49th) and Poonam Barla (59th) scored goals for the winners.

In sub junior boys final between the above two teams first half produced a fast paced and keenly contested match. Though BMVP was able to establish a solitary goal lead in the first half through Sumit Toppo (29th minute), Sundargarh boys equally fought them. But in second half, astonishingly, local team lost the zeal to fight and handed over the match to Rourkela on platter. BMVP added four more goals in this half. J.Toppo (41st) , S.Xalxo (46th) Sumit Toppo (47th ) and D.Lugun (48th ) scored these goals for the BMVP.

Junior boys final between BMVP and Town H.S. produced thrilling encounter. Though ultimately BMVP won the clash by brace of goals but Town school were not disgraced. Birsa Munda team had to struggle to win the passport to Delhi. Suresh Kuzur drew the first blood in the 11th minute but then they had to wait for the second goal until the last minute when Amit Minz ensured the team’s victory by scoring the second goal.

Meanwhile, seven state boys are called for the Junior India camp.

ROURKELA: Orissa’s seven boys have been nominated for the junior national hockey coaching camp to begin at Bhopal from 6th October. The camp is being organized to prepare the team for the coming Junior World Cup Hockey Championship to be held in 2009 in Malaysia and Singapore. The selected players are

Amardeep Ekka, Birender Lakra and Sanjeeb Barla (SAIL Hockey Academy-Rourkela),
Belsajar Horo (SAI Centre-Sundargarh)
Amardeep Ekka (Sports Hostel-Panposh – Rourkela)
Innocent Kullu and Manjeet Kullu (Railways).

Total 33 players have been nominated for the camp. A.K.Bansal is the chief coach and camp will continue till 3rd November.