Delhi: Escape from this penalty corner

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Escape from this penalty corner

Khushwant Singh

INDIA’S FIRST gold ever won by Abhinav Bindra should be seen alongside its failure to even qualify for the Olympic Games in hockey in which we were once world champions. Our record in the arena of international sports makes for sorry reading. We are not a sporting nation.
We are mere spectators of others’ achievements. A nation of a billion people is outdone by countries with populations less than any of our metropolitan cities.

Don’t we have it in us to do better? I am sure we have and could do a lot better if we went about it the right way We have to face the un .

pleasant fact that we can never hope to match people who have more muscle power than us — Americans, Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, Japanese and the Chinese. They are physically stronger because they eat better, live better, train better to outrun us, outbox us, lift heavier weights, jump higher and longer, throw iron balls and javelins across longer distances. But there is no excuse for us not to be able to get the better of them in games that require more skill than stamina: shooting, archery, table-tennis, badminton and others. Initially, we should concentrate on these to achieve world-class status before we take on others.

I have a few half-baked notions on how to go about doing so. You may or may not agree with me, but spare a few minutes considering them.

First, keep politicians out of sports bodies.

They are more interested in self-promotion and publicity than in games. A simple way is to disqualify MPs, MLAs and office-bearers of political parties from holding any office in sports administration. The likes of Sharad Pawar, Suresh Kalmadi and Vijay Kumar Malhotra should stick to their chief pre-occupation.

Sports bodies should be administered by civil servants who are dedicated to sports.

Second, take sports consciousness down to the village and school level.

Every village should have annual sports meets where boys and girls race, jump, shot putt, wrestle etc, and award winners with momentos.

Every school should have provisions for indoor as well as outdoor competitive games such as table tennis, rifle shooting, archery judo and jumping, , rewarded with trophies on school an nual days. This should go on through college with greater emphasis on individual competitive games rather than team games.

By then, it would be evident which of the boys and girls have it in them to become world-class. They should be given prolonged and expert coaching till in fact they come close to Olympic levels. And then only pick up likely winners of medals to compete in Olympic games.