Delhi wins the 2014 Hero Hockey India League


Delhi annexed the second Hero Hockey India League Trophy, defeating Punjab Warriors in a tense penalty shoot out after two teams stood 3-3 at the regulation time.

Delhi’s goalie Nicolas Jacobi saved first three shoot outs of Punjab including one of Jamie Dwyer, setting Delhi to annex the trophy with goals in the tie break coming from Simon Child, Matt Ghodes and Steven Edwards.

When 26-year old Steven Edwards put the ball in the net behind the goalie Jaap Stockmann, the Delhi got what it missed last year to Rhinos.

The game started with an electric goal within two minutes, in the 73rd seconds, with Mark Knowells latching on to a timely gentle feed by Affan Yousaff.

Then on the match meandered to great height with matching moves and end to end stuff, with some goals breathtaking.

However, when Delhi scored two goals subsequently and went for big break 2-1 in their favour, it was expected they are close to target, but Punjab struck twice to lead 3-2 for long time with a neat deflection by veteran Shivender Singh and then an opportunistic goal by Affan Yousaf. The lone goal lead was cancelled out by ever-green Yuvraj Walmiki, which led to tie-breaking penalty shoot out.

llyod Morris John who scored the first goal of Delhi got the Hero Goal of the match award, while Nicolas Jacobi won the Man of the match epithlet.

Special award winners
Most Valuable Player: Jaap Stockmann of JPW Rs.20 lacs

Ponty Chhada Most promising player of the tournament: Akashdeep Singh Rs.20 lacs

Highest Number of goal by team: Punajb Warriors, Rs.10 lac
Highest goal scorer is Sandeep Singh, Yes Bank gives Rs.10 lac