FIH Youth Panel Supports Children in Refugee Camps

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Bethan Walsh, member and former Chair of the International Hockey Federation
(FIH) Youth Panel, presented a cheque for 4000 Euros to Johann Olav Koss,
Director of the humanitarian movement ‘Right to Play’, on Sunday 15th

Members of the Youth Panel raised this donation through their worldwide
activities. The money that the Youth Panel has raised will go towards sports
development programmes for Afghan refugees in Pakistan. This is part of
‘Right to Play’s ’ expansion of activities to Afghanistan, Pakistan and the
Middle East.

Johann Olav Koss had just returned from Oslo where they celebrated the 10th
Anniversary of the organisation. A four-time Olympic Gold Medallist speed
skater, Johann began his activities ten years ago when he donated a large
portion of his Lillehammer winnings to the cause . Today Johann heads the
organisation, which develops and implements child and community programmes
in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Anne Ellis, Manager of the FIH Development and Coaching Committee Youth
group is delighted with the donation: “I have a huge amount of respect for
these young people who gave their time and energy to raise these funds. They
have shown by their actions that they feel a social responsibility towards
improving the quality of lives of children who are less fortunate than
themselves. They are an example to hockey people world-wide”.

Right To Play, formerly Olympic Aid, is a humanitarian, non-governmental
organization (NGO) committed to improving the lives of the most
disadvantaged children and their communities through Sport for Development.
Sport for Development evolved out of the growing evidence that strengthening
the right of children to play enhances their healthy physical and
psychosocial development and builds stronger communities. For more
information on Right to Play see

More information on the International Hockey Federation’s Youth Panel,
including information on how the money was raised, can be found on in the Development sections.