HJA’s gesture towards Vivek Singh

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NEW DELHI, JUNE 14. Hockey Journalists Association (HJA) has presented Olympian Vivek Singh a purse of Rs. 43,000 towards his cancer treatment. Vivek was here on his way to Mumbai where he would be treated at the Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital.

Cutting across the lines, journalists of all hue contributed towards the purse, which will help the ailing Vivek Singh in getting proper medical care.

Last fortnight, Singh had pleaded for financial assistance from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and the Indian Hockey Federation (IHF). These bodies are yet to respond.

Vivek was overwhelmed with the gesture and said he was touched by the initiative taken by the HJA in supporting his cause. “I am really grateful as you have presented me with a purse in a crucial time of my life. I am honoured by this grand gesture. I hope your wishes will carry me through this crisis,” he said.

The Hindu & other papers carried out this press release by HJA