Hockey Dhamal Series this week end in Delhi


Exciting ‘Hockey Dhamal Series’ this week end in Delhi

A new concept involving two hockey teams promoted by two Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) will see the light of the day this week end.

One Thousand Hockey Legs, flagship project of Delhi based Hockey Citizen Group and will engage Under-14 boys team of Garh Himmat Singh (2 hours east of Jaipur) – promoted by German based Hockey Village India e.V. – in four matches in different venues in Delhi.

The matches will be held one each in the morning, other in the evening. The visiting team will stay in Delhi on 13th and 14th July to play these matches.

“This is an exciting prospect where youngsters are given chance to play against others” said K. Arumugam, founder and CEO of One Thousand Hockey Legs, which seek to introduce 500 school children into the game of hockey in select five cities.

“We are happy to get this opportunity and experience to play in India’s capital! The boys are lining up in front of my door since days to get selected for this tour” Echoed Andrea Thumsrin, promoter of Hockey Village India.

“We propose to field four different teams so that many Delhi kids get the opportunity”, K. Arumugam adds.

“We are brining 15 boys, whom we introduced hockey last year only, they are excited to visit Delhi. Ours is a village team, we have no proper play field. This tour will give these under-privileged kids a great chance to play on proper hockey fields, and also to meet other hockey players. This will go a long way in cherishing our objectives, as there is high potential in Indian villages’, Andrea elaborates.

This is perhaps first time two NGOs working to promote hockey in different State come forward to have a Series.

These two NGOs also announced the tour will take place annually in a specified time.

Follow the tour on following websites and social media





