India Prays in Unison for Olympic Path


‘When the world sleeps we awake’. This was how India’s first Prime Minister described India obtaining its freedom on the night of 14th August five decades ago.

These famous words now aptly describe Indian hockey’s present pass. As the country goes to sleep tomorrow (Saturday), our stick wielders would awake to a new challenge – very crucial indeed — in the wee hours. At 1 AM on Sunday, India takes on Russia in the Chile Olympic Qualifier, the hockey power’s last chance to get into the Beijing bandwagon.

The hockey country, as India is known in many part of the sporting world, looks upto the 18 men, who are at Chile, to refurbish its sagging morale. As it is do or die battle for honour, tradition and survival, hockey community as a whole stand in unison and pray for India’s success at Chile acid test. Let us look at this:

In Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
Padamshri Md. Shahid (1980 Olympic Gold Medalist):
Our players have to understand by dil and dimak that it is crucial for us to be in the Olympic stream. Hockey in India is losing its charm and appeal day by day and if we, by chance, not qualify that will be unbearable, will do enormous harm in the long run. We have to be careful about every team. I have seen in my fairly long career that these so called weak teams give us lot of difficulty. Neither do they win nor do allow us to win. They always troubled us in the first half. For them the results would not matter as much as it is for us. For us it is honour as we have a heritage. Our times Malaysia, Argentina, Russia all troubled us. So, don’t take any team as weak. We have to qualify at any cost. We have to be champions there in Chile otherwise we will be out. I pray for India.

In Mumbai
Clarence Lobo (Former Junior India Coach):
I wish all the players and coaching staff a grand success at Chile. I am confident they will be able to come through this ordeal. I think it is going to be between India and Great Britain. I saw the tapes of GB at the Champions Trophy in Kuala Lumpur. They are a good side. They are physical as well as solid. They are fitter and full of pace. Never underestimate them, and also don’t throw all your trumps in the first encounter itself. They will come out with new set of ideas for the final, and we should be prepared enough to face them. Our forwards have to deliver. Our midfield is perfect and defence very strong. As a coach I feel we should qualify. Lest, how we will motivate youngsters? If we don’t qualify, it will be a big setback.

In New Delhi
Harbinder Singh (Triple Olympian):
The whole country prays for our boys at Chile. Don’t take any opponent easily. I heard even Chile, the host, is a good side. Against Great Britain it is 50, 50 so avail your chances. I pin hopes on Rajpal Singh, Prabhjot Singh, Diwakar Ram and Raghunath. As happened at Auckland qualifier, most goals are going to be through penalty corners, and am confident our youngsters know this and would deliver. Indian team is in good form, and there is no reason why they won’t maintain it in this event also. We must qualify. It is important. Otherwise, whatever awakening we happen to see in hockey will also be doused. My advice to the team is play well, stick to the play and keep up the motivation.

In New Delhi
Sukhdev Singh (former India camper and Delhi captain):
We should win. We should keep up our record of regular in the Olympics. I have lot of confidence in the team. The strength of this team it has lot of josh (fire) and it should come handy there at Chile. We have to be careful and maintain motivation level all the time. I saw England playing at the Kuala Lumpur Champions Trophy, they play well. Europeans win on penalty corner ability, and we should be aware of this. As a whole I think we can do it.

In Mumbai
Gurbux Singh (Western Railways):
My well wishes are with the team. The team is united, solid one. With god’s grace, we will come out colourfully. Strength of the team is well balanced one in every department of the game. Goalkeeping is good, halfline is working well, forwards are good. There is good co-ordination also. Only grey areas is penalty corner and all will depend how best we will perform at this crucial area. If it clicks, we are through. Am 100 percent sure we are there in the Olympics. Joaquim has worked very hard, and it will bear fruits.

In Chandigarh
Sukbir Singh Grewal: (Former International player and organizer):
All the best for the team. India can do it if its support team can stop egging the team on every count. Constant prodding will lead to anxiety and in that condition the players think about wining all the team, which is not good. The team has to be moulded to play well, that’s all. If the team can maintain calm and composure and play its true game the objective can be easily achieved. Europeans always think that if India is won if it is contained till the half time. If India does not score in the first half it is finished. Why? Anxiety level. Under pressure, players wish to do something but do exactly the opposite. Keep mental balance all through, you are there. I hope the staff does not tell the team, “Bharat Mata ke li ye khelo”.

In Chennai
Vasudevan Baskaran (Gold medalist and former coach):
Like a good student, don’t bother about examination, but about doing well. I hope the team understands this message. I definitely hopeful this team will accomplish the target. Except a couple of players, others in the Chile team are not Olympians so they will be automatically motivated to be in the Olympics. This type of player involvement will do wonders. The players are intelligent they will understand the importance of the Olympics. Before the team left, I spoke to Joaquim and conveyed let the team not play under pressure and involve the players in the processes. We are better equipped. After Diwakaram taken into the side, am confident the team will do better. I wish he is used as a trump. My message to the team is, play good hockey and have fun. Don’t unnecessarily worry about other things.

In Bhopal
Ajay Kumar Bansal (Junior India coach):
Not just qualify but with authority so that a message will go across the countries that India counts. I wish the team to leave an impression there, and not just huff and buff for the qualification. There is no apparent weakness with the team; which also has a good measure of field goals scorers and penalty corner converters. Of course, it depends on how the coach would like to harness the talent of penalty corner resources at his disposal. Our team faced no major tests after Asia Cup. In a nutshell, we could post a lot of field goals and our strength is being able to score through field and penalty corners. I see more positive in the team. India cannot return without accomplishing the task as it would darken the whole hockey atmosphere in India.

In Lucknow M.K. Kaushik (Olympic gold medalist and former men’s coach and presenlty women’s coach)

The team is good. There are lot of all rounders, they do a good amount of running. They are fit. They will surely achieve the goal. I wish the team success. That is what we all need, and pray for.

Pic captions: From Top: Clarence Lobo, Harbinder Singh, Sukhbir Singh Grewal, Vasudevan Baskaran and Ajay Kumar Bansal.