Kolkata: Hockey’s golden era

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The centenary celebrations of the Bengal Hockey Association were held in La Martiniere for Boys School since it has been one of the premiere institutions promoting hockey for many years now. The interactive session expressed the fact that everyone is worried about earning something from a sport. Gone is the opinion of people that sports were played for fun and as a form of improving one’s fitness levels.

The audiovisual presentation “When we were kings” illustrated the glory days of hockey. As many as 140 schools came together on this great occasion of the centenary year of hockey. Many veteran players of that golden period were present and were honoured with a memento of their glorious days as young and talented players of hockey.

The presentation paid heartfelt tribute to all veteran hockey players of the once famous Indian hockey team like Dhanraj Pillai, who captained the team, Brandon Claudius, Gurbux Singh, Vir Bahadur Chettri, and many other players. Gurbux Singh and Vir Bahadur Chettri displayed some of the artifacts like the shoes they had worn, team coats, medals et al. The presentation consisted of veteran players varying opinions on their game including the golden age of hockey and their victories against America and other countries. This was also an event where they encouraged and promoted hockey amongst the children of today. Of course very few reputed schools have the space to promote this game. The quiz round focussed on India and its participation in the Montreal and Moscow Olympics of ‘76 and ‘80. The winners of the quiz round were Assembly of God Church School and Khalsa Model School. Mr Vir Bahadur Chettri Had said, “People are using sport as a passport to qualify for jobs and gain placements in renowned Institutions.” He said “the lack of facilities including astro turf and practice space has resulted in India not being selected in this year’s Olympics in Beijing.” He also said “hockey implements and techniques have evolved over the years and are now beginning to evolve with cultural differences in Asia and Europe thus hockey is being evolved to suit the culture of the country.” The final event that topped the show was the photographs which Gurbux Singh shared with the children of the various schools of their golden days. These veterans of the “Golden Age of Hockey” deserve a standing ovation for their effort and the glory they have brought to the Indian hockey team.

Tisha Maria Mendes, Coordinator,
Cambridge School