Mentor ‘Bawa’ presents MHA’s Cheque to Walmiki


Mentor ‘Bawa’ presents MHA’s Cheque to Walmiki

Mumbai, September, 19: There cannot be greater joy to a mentor of a player than to see his ward winning the heart of public. This joy doubles when he is invited by a reputed regional hockey association to present a fair amount of gift, Rs.1 lac, to his ward.

Merzban Patel, known as Bawa to many in the hockey circle, got the double dose of joy yesterday. He was invited by the Mumbai Hockey Association to present its gift of Rs.1 lac to Yuvraj Walmiki, one of the 18 goldies of the Asian Champions Trophy.


It’s actually Bawa who found the raw talent in Walmiki early on, provided him stick and brought him to the hockey turf many years ago. It was therefore fitting he was chosen to present MHA’s cheque to Walmiki.

The rising star of Indian hockey Yuvraj Walmiki, was felicitated by Mumbai Hockey Association. It presented Walmiki a cheque for Rs.1,00,000/- as fitting reward for his exploits in the recently concluded Asian Champions Trophy where India emerged on top. Departing from tradition the Association gave the honour of presenting the award to his mentor Merzaban Patel popularly known as ‘ Bawa’ in the presence of President Mangha Singh Bakshi and Hon. Secretary & Olympian Gurbax Singh Grewal. Speaking on the occasion Bawa revealed that the youngster achieved what he has today on the sheer strength of mental strength or will power to be precise. The selfless man that he is, Bawa talked about another three Walmikis who would make it big some day on the national scene.

“It was the help and encouragement from BHA which is largely responsible in shaping my career and I will strive to earn more laurels for the country”, said Yuvraj according to a press release by BHA.

The press release adds: Mumbai Hockey the only state association in the country which has consistently rewarded its players over the years. Dhanraj Pillay and four of his team mates were rewarded with Rs.50,000/- each after the Asian Games triumph in 1998. Viren Rasquinha and Vikram Pillay were rewarded with Rs.50,000/- each and recently Shivendra Singh, Gurbaj Singh and Adrian D’Souza received Rs.1,00,000/- and Coach Olympian Joaquim Carvalho was presented cash award of Rs.1,25,000/- for India’s win in the Asia Cup 2007.