New Ind.Express: No FIH reply to IHF’s 2010 legal notice

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No FIH reply to IHF’s 2010 legal notice

SS Shreekumar

Express News Service

BANGALORE: The reasons for the International Hockey Fe­deration (FIH) making all eff­orts to keep the Indian Ho­ckey Federation (IHF) at bay and em­brace Hockey India (HI) are n­­­ow clear.

The IHF h­­ad dashed off a le­gal notice to the FIH for br­­e­­ach of the November 6, 20­­07 MoU si­g­n­ed between the IHF and the FIH to organise the WC in 2010 and has cla­i­med damages to the extent of `10 crore from the FIH.

The legal notice, dated Ap­r­il 19, 2010 is yet to get a legal response from the FI­­H­­. The FIH secretary Peter L Co­hen acknowledged the notice wi­th a letter on May 4, 20­­­10. “It is impossible to reply wi­thin the time frame you ha­ve sp­ecified,” Cohen wro­t­e. The FIH has still not been able to send a reply.

The notice points out to the MoU the FIH and IHF enter­ed into on Nov 6, 2007, for conduct of WC in In­d­ia as a joint ventu­r­e. MoU sa­­ys that the ma­naging entit­y is entitl­ed to all revenue exce­pt that from the title-sp­­o­­ns­o­rs as FIH retains all ri­ghts to it.

Clause 15.4, states that if the FIH terminates the MoU, it may in its sole and absolute discretion (i) cancel the event (ii) reassign the organisation and conduct of the WC to any of “its members” on the terms and conditions as de­termined by the FIH. The notice claims that the Nov 6, 2007 MoU is still subsisting.

Meanwhile, the FIH ente­red into an agreement with t­­he IOA and an agency called Commune Marketing and Ev­ents Pvt Ltd to conduct the WC without the cons­ent of the IHF and without terminating the MoU.