The Hindu: Hockey team rediscovering rhythm

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Hockey team rediscovering rhythm


The Indian men’s hockey team is enjoying a leisurely training camp after a long gap. The schedule, designed with the long-term goal of success in the qualifiers to the London Olympics, is understandably relaxed — three sessions of training with session of rest in between. This provides a player the chance to stay tuned to the game without overreaching.

Following a week’s training, which put the probables through various tests to assess their levels of fitness, the players are slowly getting back into rhythm. Their moves are being captured by a camera constantly on duty at one end of the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium.

“Our game is being reviewed regularly and one gets to know where a player has to improve,” says P.R. Shreejesh, one of the goalkeepers in the camp.

Shreejesh agrees that attending a camp with a long-term goal is more beneficial. “When you are in a camp leading to a certain big event, you tend to get distracted by the seriousness of the tournament. In camps like this, one is more relaxed. It is easier to identify and rectify one’s problem areas,” he says. “After all, we are aiming at reaching the Olympics. Tournaments on the way — like the Azlan Shah, four-nation or Champions Trophy — are steps to achieve that,” he points out.

Shreejesh has an interesting take on the presence of six goalkeepers. “It helps as you get a lot of feedback about your game. Besides, it creates a more competitive atmosphere,” he says.