The Hindu: Kazakh players suspended

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Kazakh players suspended


Three women players of Kazakhstan — Pyotukh Alessya, Mikiheichik Yuliya and Chsherbakova Anastassiya — have been suspended from taking further part in the 16th Asian Games after an eligibility violation came to light.

Mr. Mathavan Devdas, Tournament Director, said the three have admitted to have represented Belarus in the women’s World Cup qualifying tournament at Kazan in April 2010.

In a statement, Mr. Devadas said that, “the athletes shall be suspended from participating any further in the women’s hockey competition of the Asian Games and Kazakhstan will be deemed to have withdrawn from the four matches with a score 5-0 being awarded to the opponents in the respective matches.”

The statement also says that the matter has been reported to OCA, Asian Hockey Federation and the FIH for any further action in the issue.

Kazakhstan lost to Japan 1-4, China 0-3, beat Thailand 3-0, and lost to Malaysia 2-4. The score line 10-3, however, will remain in place for Korea.