The Tribune Takes the lead

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In a positive move, the 126-year old and Punjab’s top English newspaper, Tribune’s editor-in-chief H.K. Dua invites public and readers to send their views on hockey for publication in a special section called Forum. The topic is ‘How can Indian hockey be saved?’. The views can be sent by email ( or by post (Address: The Editor-in-Chief, The Tribune, Sector 29C, Chandigarh, India, with ‘Forum’ superscribed on the envelope).

The Tribune’s effort is a welcome development, more so against the stark fact that some leading, so-called national English dailies in India sideline the national issue of hockey.

Last week The Tribune also published a hard-hitting editorial on hockey which is reproduced below;

To say that Indian hockey lovers are angry and disappointed will be an under-statement. Actually, they are seething with impotent rage. Imagine the world beaters hot being able to qualify for the semifinals in the Asian Games at Doha! There could not be a worse dream, and to think that it very, much came true. The hurt is all the more in the case of former Olympians who brought home glory in the past. That is why they marched with their faces downcast in Delhi on Wednesday. There could not be a more pathetic spectacle. If this does not shame the Indian Hokey Federation into action, nothing would. There are many things that ail Indian hockey today. As legendary Pargat Singh has pointed out, these include red tape, the insincere, unprofessional and inept approach of sports federations and associations, non-existent research, outdated coaching methods, the lack of world class infrastructure and equipment and financial insecurity. If all this has to be summarised into one specific weakness, it is the scandalously bad administration of the game. The harsh fact is that the administrators, instead of being facilitators, have become a hindrance. There is lack of vision and to cap it, there is the dictatorial attitude. There is no attempt to benefit from the rich experience of the stalwarts. That is why hockey is on deathbed. Bureaucrats like Mr K P S Gill come to the helm of sports federations not for the love of the game but because of the influence and power that come with it. He has ‘led the IHF ingloriously for far too long. Now is the time to hand over the baton to someone professional who can ensure a turnaround. And why should the whole show be run by anyone person or clique at all? There is need for a democratic setup where the voice of every genuine hockey lover is heard. There are enough experienced hands in the country who can contribute their mite. The rot has not set in hockey alone. Almost every game is afflicted, as shooter Jaspal Rana so candidly pointed out on his triumphant return from Doha. Let the boys and girls shine because of the administrative intervention. Right now a handful of them are doing so despite such intervention.

Editor of Punjab Kesri, a leading Hindi daily, also produced a long front page editorial on 21st Dec. requests hockey lovers, players, conscious citizen of this country, Non-Resident Indians and others to post their views in the call by the reputed newspaper, which will go a long way in developing a public opinion against the callous IHF headed by head-strong people like KPS Gill and Jothikumaran.