Why did India not take Russia offer?

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It is clear now that India will not take part in the next month’s Moscow 4-Nation.

Russian Hockey Federation invited India to take part in a 4-Nation tournament in the first week of July.

The past regime headed by KPS Gill has given them a consent, and the organizers Russia – who have a history of supporting Indian hockey, being our well wishers – were a enthused lot.

During this writer’s stay in Russia during the Kazan Olympic Qualifier, the Russian Hockey Federation President ChenChenko even went to the extent of telling that the women’s hockey in Moscow Olympics was included because the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi spoke on this matter to their superemo Breznev.

He also expressed a view that Russia and India should work together to improve their hockey. It is worthwhile here to mention that Russia is taking up hockey in a big way. At least six new turf grounds are coming up, and the way they organized the Kazan Olympic Qualifier, it appears they mean business.

Naturally they expected India will stand by them as partners in progress.

However, despite initially giving an assurance that it will honour the previous regime’s word, the new ad-hoc committee had gone back on its commitment.

It is now clear India will not take part, instead Indian Airlines (whatever name it acquired nowadays, Air India or what?) team will go.

When KPS Gill, very unpatriotically, got the Pozan trip of Under-21 team cancelled misusing the dissolved IHF’s stationary and emails, the new selection committee and Ad-hoc committee members expressed a view that it would definitely harm hockey.

The moot question now, in the light of their reaction to Pozan perfidy, is why did not the present officials spurn a tour? And very significantly, on whose wisdom and direction?

The Ministry is ready to spend the trip, the senior players are available, not even domestic season is on, why then the opportunity was let go?

With lot of difficulty the nation has got rid of the previous regime. A lot needs to be done on war-footing to improve things. It appears the present lot is taking things casually. Its more than 100 days over since Santiago Shame, and we are yet to take a definite step towards setting the things right.

We would have been a happier lot if at least the ad-hoc committee informs the public on why it preferred not to visit a friendly nation like Russia, which is incidentally making efforts to rebuild their sport from scratch as we are at present.

Since Russia has both men and women teams, an opportunity to make friends was not grabbed.

It is interesting to mention here two Indian women hockey players and a coach took part in the Russian National Hockey League this year.

Had India decided to take part, many issues such as appointment of national cocah, would have been got settled. It is also an ideal way to speed up things. But the ad-hoc committee, unfortunately though, decided to dither the issue without public knowledge or debate.