Why is Gill fond of democratic procedures now?

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The ghost of KPS Gill comes to taunt Indian hockey again. He has called for an Annual General Meeting in New Delhi on the third week of September.

Gill is never known to follow any procedure as long as he was in the IHF top seat. He took all the decisions without involving the stake holders, the State Hockey Associations.

His new found interest in the mundane procedure like AGM is an attempt to stay in the media focus.

He has never called an AGM in New Delhi since he took over the IHF presidency in 1994.

Why all of a sudden an AGM in New Delhi?

He wants to corner publicity. This is his motive behind calling the AGM that too in Delhi. He wants to make an impression that he takes on the Indian Olympic Association in its dungeon. He certainly expects huge media focus on him in the weeks to come and expects it to reach on the day of AGM.

Insofar as the success of his AGM is concerned, one aspect of Indian Hockey Federation should not be lost sight of.

About one third of the electoral college of the IHF is known fence sitters. They will be present, directly or indirectly, in both camps. They will shift their loyalty once making sure which side is going to win. Therefore, Gill will get at least 10-12 States in his AGM.

If Gill wants to create an impression that he is alive and kicking – which in fact he is not – and if he gets fodder in doing such things, the blame squarely lies with the Indian Olympic Association.

The IOA has not involved the State Hockey Associations (SHA) in its hockey related activities. There is a strong undercurrent in the SHA circles of being neglected. KPS Gill wants to cash in on the frustration.

Those who are in the know of the SHAs, will be aware Gill has no counts in favour of him. He is certainly a minor player. But as long as some SHAs like Delhi, Himachal Pradesh in his grip, he will try to blow it up. He wants byte and plans to encash it.

This is a wake up call for the IOA, and we will wait to see how they respond.

Interestingly, most of the SHAs are drifting towards Bengal Hockey Association which has already invited them for a discussion in a common place. KPS is aware of their success, and perhaps wants to undermine their effort.

However, Gill’s interest for democratic procedures like calling AGM, submitting accounts and Secretary’s reports for ratifications are unlikely Gill actions. When he is sidelined, he wants show how prompt he is. It is all Gill’s old game which hardly clicked in his dying days in the IHF office.

By merely paying rent for an IHF office accomodation, one doesn’t become IHF boss. He still imagines hockey is in his pocket borough.

1 Comment

Ram Ratan August 29, 2008 - 9:14 am

Is he so eager to come back? Then he should make Himachal Pradesh a hockey power. I was told he is hockey president of that State. he is not bad, but probably does not know what to do in hockey. he is also very old, and known to be helping an ashram somewhere in north india. he can better do such kind of things rather than come back to hockey. have’nt we had enough of him?

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