Will the KSHA bell the cat?

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26th December: Will the only functional democratic unit within the otherwise autocratic Indian Hockey Federation – Karnataka State Hockey Association — attempt to bell the cat? Will KSHA channelise the nationwide anger and anguish against the Gill’s IHF for effecting a much needed leadership change?

If the views posted by KSHA Secretary Kannan Krishnamurthy in this website (and also some other sites) are any indication, the answer seems to be a big ‘Yes’.

K. Krishnamurthy, a passionate hockey fan, also a former international umpire, has the habit of calling spade a spade. The organization of which he is pivot, KSHA, is known for its professional conduct of hockey business (Hockey Year Book 2002 declared KSHA as the best State Hockey Association in India). The KSHA seems genuinely worried about the decay that has set in the IHF.

Reads Krishnamurthy’s comment in this website, a response to my article ‘Whom to blame’:

“Dear Arumugam, I have read your story “whom to blame”. Yes, You must unhesitatingly should blame all the affiliated units of IHF for being rigidly mute and observing mounaviradham (oath for not speaking against) which includes me too. We, the affiliated units have not jointly protested the way administration is run for a long time. Instead of forcing the issue for a major discussion, we remain content voicing feeble protest and moaning. Mr. Jothikumaran, should do real soul searching and indulge in serious introspection of his mal administration. He should own boldly for the ills of IHF. He is the one who has thrown all the democratic functioning to the dust bin. He revels in running the IHF administration as he runs the Tamil Nadu Hockey Association. It is a real shame that he clings on to TNHA Secretary and IHF Secretary General for his own selfish ends. His parochial approach has let down tremendously the Indian Hickey Team in many major International events. He is enjoying the post at the mercy of Mr. Gill. It is surprising as to why Mr Gill should safeguard and protect him despite many complaints. Mr. Gill is doing injustice for the game by shielding Mr. Jothikumaran. Mr. Jothikumaran is a big liability to IHF. Does any one answer the kind of money that is being spent on this person? He is one person who is basking and leading luxurious life because of hockey. The hatred on him in this country is huge and it will do world of good if he finds out by himself. Mr. Jothikumaran cannot change himself as he got used to a strange way of functioning. He has his own goal and selfish agenda. Let him touch his heart and say that he is transparent in his functioning. For the cause of Indian Hockey, he should do favour by quitting and let the democratic and collective functioning comes into the administration for the survival of Indian Hockey. The first blame should rest on the affiliated units for the utter failure and thereafter of course, whatever the writer has mentioned. Kannan Krishnamurthy Hon. Secretary Karnataka State Hockey Association.”

Recently, Olympians marched on the streets asking for Gill and Jothi’s resignation on moral grounds. They also appealed to Sports Minister and Indian Olympic Association to intervene and dissolve the IHF.

However, history proves that the things can be set right by insiders rather easily than those bigwigs in the Ministry or IOA. It is after all the States who vote and elect Gill and the approval by other authorities such as IOA are formalities.

Therefore, the views expressed by K. Krishnamurthy is taken to its logical conclusion, that is, put forth in the IHF EC meeting (This is not normally conducted unless forced by the SHAs) and this stupid called Jothikumarn is booted out.

If otherwise Krishnamurthy’s views are personal and expression of just anger and anguish, that is all the more bad for hockey. Because, these are some of the people of wisdom still left in the cesspool called IHF.

Karnataka is a leading state organization in IHF. Unlike IHF, their elections are held on set time and the process is open. KSHA’ Secretary’s reports during the Super Division ceremony or at their in house meetings are revelation of facts and activities, unlike the one the IHF secretary submits in the EC or AGM. Jothi’s reports in EC or AGM are solid examples how a report should not be written! And only a learned and great brain like Gill can allow such non-sense to be presented for electoral college.

There is a groundswell of opinion against the Secretary in particular, but only time will tell this will crystallize into any action of worth.

As of now, Krishnamurthy has taken a step further in the country’s fight against corrupt, incompetent, power-hungry IHF Secretary.