World Cup Gold Medallist’s Soliloquy

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When you have tears bursting at your eyes, it is often said, doors of heart open up and emotions cascade. At least it appears so when I received two-page poem by Brigadier HJS Chimni, who was part of the 1975 world cup winning Indian team. The poem below reflects the sorrow of not just a former player but a whole country.

Hockey our National Game has become National Shame.

Is it Federation, coaches or players to blame.

Before we go for a championship we make tall claim,

When we come back the answer is same.

In olden times the team by winning medals earned fame.

Now the organizers say “Indians also came”,

Earlier with India. it was a tough pool.

Now “India” grouped with you means pool is kool.

Losing to China in Asian Games was the last straw.

You can hear every one saying “Wah IndIa Wah”.

Since 1928 our achievements in hockey have had the list of “who is who”.

Now even teams like China can teach us a thing or two.

Our stopping, passing, positioning and scoring is bad.

By our lackluster performance we make hockey lovers go mad.

India not winning a medal in Asian Hockey did you ever hear

But writing on the wall for mony years has been clear,

Quallfying for next Olympics is now damm tough,

The road ahead is treacherous, painful and rough.

Let us rise like a Goliath from ashes.

There is more emphasis on individual play,

Combined moves are few and far on display.

We cannot beat tight marking, tight defense and all that,

On the contrary we concede goals at the drop of a hat.

In patches we do manage to play well.

It is very rare for the whole match duration as a team we gel.

It is time for all hockey loving people to unite.

To knowledgeable, scientific and analytic we invite.

To lift the Indian Hockey from its gloom,

To save our National Game from any further doom.

For this to happen, words are not enough,

Road to ‘success Is long, tedious and very tough.

Let us put our heads together and think,

Do we need a foreign coach to put us in a sync.

HJS Chimni, 1975 World Cup Gold Medallist.