A Stani experience for aspiring Indian goalies


Three- third of the World Cup turf was buzzing with six set of goalkeepers. After a set of activities are over, one group moves to other. If one group is first doing ‘closing down’ the other start doing penalty corner defence and alike.

Each set consists of both men and women goalkeepers.

Dave Staniforth, who runs a goalkeeper institute back home in South Africa, juggles each set of goal posts.
Bahut Achha (very good), aur karo (do more), idar aao (come here), idar dekho (see here) and like commands flow with regular rhythm.

Trainees, all buzzing with energy and enthusiasm, enjoy his Hindi.

Staniforth, along with India’s well known former goalie Romeo James, are training not only prospective goalies of India – about 40, men and women included – but also a set of goalkeeper coaches, like Katharu Srinivas and PT Rao, who donned India colours not long ago.

“This is a welcome addition to various kinds of training being imparted to Indian players. Focussing on goalkeeping is very much needed, and it is here right now”, Romeo James rationalizes the ongoing first-ever goalkeeping group training.

“I am happy. I thought the goalies may not last such a long training on account of fitness. But am happy all could sustain rigorous routine in the past three weeks. Yes, there are many potential prospects here. They need to be update, and constantly on training”, Staniforth opined.

Helen Mary, Arjuna award winning women hockey player, was seen scooping, hitting and throwing a dozen balls across three goalies who jump together, and leave the ball to be tackled by the lone goalie positioned below the cage on right corner of the turf. The exercise obviously help sharpen the reflex of the goalie in the cage, getting to react short distance balls.

It seems for a while she should have played as a forward rather than a goalie, such was her accuracy in deceiving the lot of goalies at her training.

Every now and then Staniforth assemble the trainees and demonstrate, say, how to lie down and get up, without losing focus on the ball.

A rectangular form is brought to the centre where Staniforth demonstrate various positions.

“This looks very simple, but may take even six months to perfect:, he cautions.

Katharu. PT Rao or Prince Piyush Dubey translate Staniforth’s instructions.
Almost after each gathering and lecture, a celebration of sort occurs; players enjoy with a variety of jumping, diving, lying etc.

The goalies are lodged in RK Khanna facilities and commute to National Stadium on both morning and evening sessions.

28th September is the last working session for them.

The massive exercise was the joint venture of Hockey India and Sports Authority of India.

Since a set of coaches are also being trained, HI may have plans to continue the effort in near future.