Great Britain behaves indifferently to Indian medi


Great Britain behaves indifferently to Indian media

There was an official communication to media here in Raipur that Great Britain Team will be practicing on main pitch between 11.00-12.00 noon today. At least half a dozen journalists watched them practice and then assembled near mixed zone area waiting for either team coach or any player to come and talk to them, which almost every team is doing here.

Teams interacting with media before or after practice, depending on their convenience, is a routine thing.

However, manager Mason, whom we understand is doubling up with other assignment with the team, informed that there cannot be interaction as we have not made the request in advance.

The practice is that local Media Officer gets the feel of journalists and makes the request directly to the teams.

This case also Indian media made the request to official media officer here. The Media officer also tried to convince the team for 120 sec interaction.

Anyway the journalists, surprised at the attitude of the team, did not show further interest to interact.

But it is surprising a visiting team indulges in protracted arguments with the media and wastes almost 15 minutes to justify why it cannot send coach or manager for 2 minutes.

Is hockey so professional that the team cannot spare requisite 102 sec interaction?

So ultimately, GB team cannot spare two minutes for media whatever the reasons.

But at the same time they spent good time with BBC on the same venue on the same time!
If hockey is for friendship and fairness, this GB management did not show those at least for now, which is not the GB teams of past we know.