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PHL 2006 Makes a Dream Start

PHL 2006 Makes a Dream Start


‘United We Stand; Divided We Play’. Thus goes an ESPN billboard displayed prominently in roundabouts and places of visibility in Delhi. As if to subscribe the slogan, players of both teams — who were supposed to figure in the first match of India’s Premier Hockey League — were divided literally 250 kms between Jalandhar in Punjab and Chandigarh, even as little as four hours left for the PHL to commence at the latter. But the distance was soon united.

Due to some unforeseen errors of those who run the hockey affairs in the country, a final of a major tournament, Surjit Hockey Memorial Cup, was scheduled on Thursday, with live telecast in place. Indian Airlines and Indian Oil Corporation figured in the final, the thing of interest was about a dozen members of both the teams were to be part of the first PHL Tier I match to be played same day.

But the Divided players were United minutes before the scheduled start and the television extravaganza PHL started as planned. The ambience the ESPN created, though lesser in intensity compared to last year, helped the ever-working Indian players forget the fatigue of travel and the fear of playing two matches in a day. Once the ball was set in motion, the weary legs worked hard and the minds took control of muscles.

The first match between defending Champions Hyderabad Sultans and Maratha Warriors turned out to be an exciting affair for the goody crowd that braved the cool breeze. Dhanraj, the old warrior, turned out to be the Man Friday. With untiring legs, the 37-year old weaved many moves bemusing the defence and the young frontline forwards like Shivender and Hement Ghete got enough feeds to punch holes in the Hyderabad net once apiece, guarded by no less than a persons of competence as Dilip Tirkey and his Sundergarh peer Lajrus Barla.

Marata Warriors, who struggled to finish third last time, corned invaluable three points with that fluent victory.

The winner of course was Chandigarh crowd and hockey; and less credit for the feat was due for the enigmatic Indian hero Dhanraj Pillay. He has, as in the past, proved yet again hockey in him is effervescent and effective. The moot point here is, will the authorities, who were full in attendance, take note of him. We were told the Indian selectors will be here to pick probables for the forthcoming major tournaments in this year. Dharaj has truly served a notice to all.

S2h at Chandigarh

K. Arumugam

K. Aarumugam

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