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Former Aussie star eager to visit India, see his s


Former Australian star eager to visit India, see his son in WSH.

Godfrey Phillips is professionally a financial adviser. By hobby, he is a hardened hockey coach. The former Australian star, who hardly visited India after he left the shores in late 60s, is now eager to catch up with – perhaps to make amend him not visiting his country of birth for long.

Godfrey Phillips is excited on the forthcoming World Series Hockey. His interest of course is not just the event, but the prospects of his son figuring in that.

“Yes my son Matthews have signed up for the WSH. The format is exciting, hope it is successful”, says Godfrey who played for Australia between 68 and 72.

Godfrey migrated to Australia from Behrampur, near Asansol in West Bengal. His father was an Indian Railways employee.

“I was 17 when my father brought our family here. At the St. Vincent School, where I had my studies, I was good at many sports, captain of cricket, football and hockey teams, but its hockey I focussed in Australia after I came here” he reminisced for the benefit of www.stic2hockey.com

“in my school days, Leslie Claudius once brought his Customs’ team for a match. I was inspired by their hockey, and then I focussed only hockey”.

He was among the spectators at Rockingham Club where Indian women took on developing Australian side on Saturday.

Matthews, 27, is at present in Sydney after having suffered some sport injury which took a heavy toll on his hockey career.

“When Ric Charlesworth took charge of men here, he offered him a slot in the training squad. Unfortunately, Matthews suffered an injury and it took time to heal. He has, of course, been playing in Germany and Holland in leading clubs for the last two seasons”.

“When Rick called him for the camp, he was eager to join, but in a match lost four teeth, its unfortunate of him. He had to stay six months in Germany and get the proper treatment. This is how he missed to be part of Ric’s team”.

Matthews has been a regular in the powerful regional side, North South Wales.

Godfrey feels that his son taking up the WSH assignment is great for him, and can help him regain his spot in the Australian side as well. More than that, Godfrey is excited the WSH will turn the way hockey is played on domestic level.

It is going to be a good tournament. Even I might visit India during the WSH season, as the organizers are in touch with me for giving me some assignment. Only couple of years ago I visited Goa, where my school coach Mr.Hanason resided. Hopefully, now I get to visit India again, says the former star who rubbed shoulders in his playing days with the likes of Brian Glencross and Don Smart.

K. Arumugam

K. Aarumugam


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