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INTRODUCTION on ‘Hockey India’ Series

INTRODUCTION on ‘Hockey India’ Series


I support hockey with all my mite

Am supporter of no group. Neither do I advocate the Business Group that can easily sweep Indian Hockey Federation election if held right now.

Nor an admirer of UFOs (Unidentified Foreign Objects) or SAOs (Self-Appointed Officials) who descended on the hockey scene all of a sudden last year, who wield all the power now without being entitled to.

Though am fairly sure both would like to this site on their side.

However, neither do I take sides in the power struggle nor remain a silent spectator.

I serve a life sentence for hockey, my loyalty and focus is Indian hockey. Therefore, anything that impacts Indian hockey and its development is my business to deal with, without fear or bias.

Thousands of hockey lovers — 60 percent from outside India – who visit my site drive me day in and day out. I am loyal to them next.

The twin loyalty – to hockey and to my site visitors – gives me enormous moral strength to serve hockey in the area of journalism and volunteerism.

I risked life long friendship with players, coaches, administrators to get you the right stuff and analysis, but as a human being had to face uncomfortable moments in personal relationship with most of them. It’s painful course someone has to court, as popular media has its own constraints in getting you right picture every time.

All those whom I write against have been personally nice to me all along though I surprise them with castigating write ups against them at times, though often the ‘at times’ go on endlessly. They are rowdy enough, rich enough and cunning enough to trifle and cripple a small prey like me. But they haven’t so far. May be they want perspectives of other side! I wish and hope this continues.

If you, as you read this above, believe in what I say please go ahead.

If you don’t believe even any one of them, and if you feel am taking sides please don’t waste your time by going through this series. You need an open mind to receive, appraise and appreciate this Series.

Welcome to the stick2hockey.com’s special analytical series: Hockey India mess, Is FIH the Culprit?

This series is to those who love hockey, and have no other interests than in enjoying a great sport called field hockey and want Indian hockey to do reasonably well. And also to satisfy for ourselves whether at the end of the day is ‘Hockey India’ the answer we have been looking for, to rectify all the ills affecting Indian hockey.

K. Arumugam

K. Aarumugam


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