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OQ W 2008: India mess up things

OQ W 2008: India mess up things


There was everything up for grab. A nation ranked 15 steps below and a strong support crowd. But the twin factors could not motivte India to play a normal game and take the appointed win, and with that look forward to bigger and better teams.

But it was not to be.

India messed up the things. There was no weather problem, as the rain stopped an hour before India’s match. A bit of sun also came. India somehow started the proceedings very sluggishly. There was no proper co-ordinaton. Entire first half, the match meandered between mediocrity and madness. Indians were poor in trap, not quick enough to pass, and the unnecessary overheads only added to the woes.

Still upto first 30 minutes the team could see no damage is done. But in the 31st minute, as if to say enough is enough, after India frittered away an easy penalty corner — this was not stopped properly — just tried a counter attack. And it was a goal, the speed of the forward and the manner the shot was unleashed from right top corner of the circle, was a goal worthy, and it was so.

Change of sides saw a changed Indian mindset and they attacked relentlessly like a team possessed. The Antilles team was in pieces, nowhere in the attack. But, the Indians wasted all the chances, including three penalty corners, and lost the momentum. Exuberant Rani made merry in the 43rd minutes and her goal was simply the best one the day saw here. However, It was again on a single counter attack the tiny nation romped home a goal.

A lot of time was left for the Indians to equalize, but the wonted habits never die. s2h has reported yesterday the team is anything but vibrant, and it proved much to the pain of the hockey loving nation.

According to coach MK Kaushik, nothing is lost and the team would only improve from here. He is however could not explain the reasons behind the first half sluggishness which in the final analysis cost the team vital win.

India next meets Belgium on Tuesday, Monday being rest day.

K. Arumugam

K. Aarumugam


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