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OQ W 2008: Routine of an Aunty — since 20 years

OQ W 2008: Routine of an Aunty — since 20 years


She is aunty of aunty, ever present aunty. She thinks she is nothing less than Margaret Thatcher. And all those Indian hockey girls and the entire coaching staff their subjects, if not slaves.

If you open the right gate, she will shout, go trho’ the right gate. If tomorrow you did the right thing – go thro’ right gate — she will again be furious: “ How many times will I have to say use the other gate. And everyone knows you can move through either of the gate. But aunty has nothing to do, and all she loves to do is what you and I don’t want to do.

She has a big purse, full of sponsor’s money. But never opens it. Instead she always opens her mouth. Do you have any problem? She asks the team daily, if someone comes forward and tells, certainly I will do beta, beti, whatever the case, she assures. Then does nothing, go to bed, snare and forget everything. Everything in the world is ok because for her everything happens. Again morning she will ask, do you have any problem?

The problem is this aunty, these hapless human beings cannot say.

It’s a severe cold here, players and coaches need gloves. This aunty has the government’s money and also sponsor’s booty. City limousine pays the IWHF hefty sum. Nobody would have asked any questions had she purchased a gloves, cap, and if possible the city of Kazan.

The aunty is here. And everyone in the team, coaching is only worried about her antics much less than rivals on the turf.

Yesterday against the hosts Russia, two usually brilliant players did not play well. When I asked the reason, one of the staff member said, “isa tat kavoge, aap be alphapet bhul jovoge.

So aunty is in full flow.

Now she has one serious problem to tackle. Here in Korston hotel everyone of the Indians here are given a single room. She cannot digest it. Because, only she deserves it. She has been trying to get double room for everyone. She said she wanted to save the government money. Ok we will believe. Once this happens, all will be in double room, except her. She has nothing to do here, can be quiet and allow others to do their job. No. she wants to poke here nose everywhere. She wants to scold everyone. She wants to discipline everyone, everywhere.

I really pity on here. Perhaps nobody at home listens to her – she gives all her vent at these pitiful souls.

One thing is certain. There are uncles who run the men’s sports. At least at times they will do some good to the team and forget small mistakes. But this aunty is bapre bab.

s2h Team



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