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PHL: Views of Hendriks, Anwar Khan, Ahmad Alam

PHL: Views of Hendriks, Anwar Khan, Ahmad Alam


Maurits Hendriks (FIH Master Coach): The idea of reducing men in extra time did not work in the match between Sher-e-Jalandhar and Marata Warriors. Unexpectedly, the teams made it more defensive. This was first match in the PHL to go into extra-time, an opportunity to test the new rule of resting two players in the first half and two more in the second half. However, both sides lacked innovative play and for the packed crowd it was an anticlimax after the thrilling 70-minute exciting hockey. The teams are scared because of wrong attitude. We saw not how to do it, but how not to do it. Instead of removing defensive players, they removed their attacking players like Gagan Ajit and Deepak Thakur. If there is more space it is natural to attack more. Normally players complain lack of space but when you have space, you are not ready to play. Losing the match in penalties is more disappointing than losing during the game. I think the rule needs some modification to force the players into being more attacking. One will be to have a rule where a team has to reach the opponents 25-yard line within 20 seconds or they lose possession. The idea is, If you have energy to defend, then you have energy to attack also. You have to keep one man in the circle. No point all the players falling back in defence.

Anwar Khan (Indian star, playing for Delhi Dazzlers): PHL is better than the Nationals, at least all matches are exciting unlike in the nationals. A central authority formed the PHL teams and a balance is maintained talentwise. PHL offers chance for players like me, who do not get selected for India anymore. Till now I had no major goals but the PHL revived my interest in hockey. The young players will also be motivated so that they can be selected for next year. There is something for every player here. If not money, there is television. Any player can become popular if he plays well due to television exposure. In PHL money is also there. Hence ESPN and others are not mere organisers of the league, but in fact are promoting and developing the game. Concept of 4-quarter is a welcome step as good coaches can make a difference in the time available between the quarters. Time Outs are a little bit too much. It breaks the rhythm. Might I be biased as I am very much used to old format. New players may like it. PHL is a good beginning which ended the old, dead format, and usher in good times. Results have already started come in — doing wonders for the sport.

Ahmad Alam (Former Pakistan captain, playing for Hyderabad Sultans): India and Pakistan are trailing the Europeans but we need not blindly follow them We have to play to our strength and realise we have more potential than them. To revive our fortunes, firstly, it is important to have good coaches and a coaching system where a player at the grassroot level is exposed to the system he is going to play at top level. Our teams should have a specialised support staff, like a goalkeeper coach, a fitness expert, a dietician, penalty corner coach and likewise. Secondly, foreign coach takes time to learn our culture and make hockey more defensive and kill our attacking style. Former players oppose this. Change is difficult especially to give up something that you learnt in your life time. There is a system in our countries where Seniors often become guides, partners and coaches to the juniors. This Guru-Sishya relationship, will be a major tool which is being discarded with the advent of foreign coaches.

An s2h effort




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