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SAI’s decision surprises many

SAI’s decision surprises many


New Delhi: Sports Authority of India that owns the sprawling Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New Delhi, has ‘ordered’ the Air India-National Hockey Academy to vacate from the stadium and relocate at the distant Nehru Stadium. Accordingly to the order signed by M.P. Ganesh, Executive Director (Teams), the rooms and space availed by the Academy is required to accommodate Indian players for the national camps.

Since inception in early 90s, the nationally acclaimed Air India Academy, a joint venture between the national airliners, Air India, and Sports Authority of India – the latter is supposed to provide infrastructure and coach – has been functioning from the National stadium.

The sudden order surprised many. For, the academy has been outstanding in its contribution towards the grooming youngsters for the country. The mere fact that about 40 of its trainees have figured in various age group international teams is proof of the yeoman service that had been rendered. Besides being the first Academy of the country, it has set a benchmark for other academies. The professional institution remained active at the National stadium even when the single artificial turf became worn out. Their inmates used to practice on the natural grass grounds adjoining the main entrance during those dark days.

Now, thanks to the oft-postponed Afro-Asian Games, the National stadium sports two world class artificial grounds, one at the main stadium and the other on the front yard . Its an ideal opportunity for the residential Academy to fully harness the facilities. But someone in the SAI thought differently and developed the idea of playing football with the Academy in tune with the all pervading world cup football phobia.

Nehru stadium, which houses the headquarters of the mammoth SAI, does not have any hockey ground. If the Academy is relocated as per the order, the boys have to commute daily to avail the ground at the National stadium. Who will provide daily transport? Further, travel will be an energy sapping affair for the players. It would also entail additional financial burden on the Academy that has been administered on shoe string budget.

Besides, the Nehru stadium is notorious for ill-maintenance of the resources created. Mosquito mania is a over-written aspect. Erratic water supply is the another bugbear. Presently, Indian girls are being housed in the Nehru stadium, who commute daily to National stadium to practice. Before returning to Nehru stadium, they prefer to take bath at the national stadium due to , yes, erratic water supplies back home!

Now someone wants such things to happen on the Air India academy inmates too.

This writer tried in the last two days tried to contact the Executive Director(Teams) to elicit his views and to know their version of the incident, but he was always found `attending meeting.’

In the interest of hockey, the decision deserved to be condemned and as such needs to revoked immediately.

Suprita Das (NDTV)

Suprita Das (courtesy: NDTV)

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