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Times of India: Carvalho accuses HI of targeting T

Times of India: Carvalho accuses HI of targeting T


Carvalho accuses HI of targeting Tirkey, Ballal

MUMBAI: Olympian Joaquim Carvalho on Thursday hit out at Hockey India for stopping fellow-Olympians Dilip Tirkey and Ashish Ballal from performing their roles as selectors of the rival Indian Hockey Federation in the ongoing 63rd men’s nationals at Bhopal.

In a letter to the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Carvalho also accused an official of the Air India Sports Control Board of preventing former India skipper Tirkey and custodian Ballal from doing their job as IHF selectors.

The former international half back, who did duty for the country at the Los Angeles Games in 1984, alleged that HI had directed Air India and Railways Sports Promotion Board to warn their employees from being part of the Bhopal nationals for the Rangaswamy Cup.

“As I am writing this letter I just received a call from former captain, Olympian, Padmashree Shri Dilip Tirkey who has been stopped by the Air India Sports Control Board from performing his duties as a national selector at the ongoing 63rd National Hockey Championship at Bhopal,” Carvalho wrote in his letter to the ministry’s joint secretary Injeti Srinivas.

“Mr Ashish Ballal, Olympian and Arjuna Awardee, who was also named as a selector was also not granted the necessary permission to attend the championship as per the instructions of Mr Ramesh Nambiar, Air India Sports Office bearer,” Carvalho alleged.

Carvalho has claimed that the decision of the ministry in allowing HI to hold its much-delayed elections on July 28 has added to the confusion.

“Giving your consent to Hockey India to hold the elections has further added to the already confused state of Indian hockey, especially as per MYAS affidavit submitted in the Delhi High Court mentioning that the Government is no more in a position to deal with Hockey India as National Sports Federation,” he said.

He also sought clarification from the government as to which of the two hockey bodies was legal.

“We would be pleased to know which is the legal hockey body and how can we have two bodies recognised by the Government of India and the Indian Olympic Association. Please come out clear on this subject.

“Inspite of this, the Government is still funding the teams for its training and foreign tours selected by Hockey India. Will the Government also fund teams for training and foreign tours selected by Indian Hockey Federation,” he asked.

“This dilly-dallying is not only creating confusion and chaos but destroying hockey with no suitable solution in sight. Your intervention and taking some hard decisions is the need of the hour,” he implored.

“The present situation is having its negative impact on the Indian player who depends on playing in the National Championship for his state thereby earning a chance to apply for a much-needed job opportunity. More so at the grassroots level,” he pointed out.

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