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TRIBUNE: IOC, FIH reject Sudhanshu Mittal’s charges against Narinder Batra


New Delhi, June 12: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Friday cleared Narinder Batra of indulging in any wrongdoing during his election as the IOA president, rejecting the complaint of irregularity filed by the Indian body’s vice-president Sudhanshu Mittal.

Mittal, who had demanded an IOC ethics commission inquiry into alleged irregularities in Batra’s election in 2017, was told by the world body that it considered the matter to be closed.

“It is noted that the internal issues to which you refer were addressed and resolved prior to the elections by the NOC General Assembly, which is the NOC’s supreme decision-making body and the results of the NOC’s elections were not challenged,” said IOC’s Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Paquerette Girard Zappelli in a letter to Mittal.

FOR MORE: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/sports/ioc-fih-reject-sudhanshu-mittals-charges-against-narinder-batra-98250

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