Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. Chopra (Retd.)
Hon’ble Sir,
This is with reference to the copy of mail marked to me dated 19th July, 2010 addressed by Mr. S.K. Mendiratta that GOI MYAS vide its Letter dated 1st May 2010 have imposed certain conditions with regard to the Age and Tenure of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of IOA and all its Recognized NSF’s.
We are not in agreement with the views as expressed in the said letter as we are a Society formed under the Society’s Registration Act, 1860 and hence having our own Constitution and Election Guidelines on the basis of which the elections are being held. We hereby submit that the aforesaid Restrictions are not binding or applicable to our Society, which is governed by its own Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws.
In view of the same, we kindly request you to conduct the election in accordance with the Constitution and Election Bye-laws of Hockey India. And in case GOI MYAS initiates any action against our Election then we shall invoke legal remidies as will be adviced.
Warm Regards
Vidya Stokes
Hockey India