What happened during the World Cup last march is agonizingly repeating at the ongoing Commonwealth Games hockey venue, so as to claim ill-treatment to ball boys are common in this ‘Wealth Games’. At the request ...
IHF in a hurry, Ministry wants clarity Never known to follow rules and regulations, the KPS Gill led Indian Hockey Federation is again on rule breaking spree. It is now playing truant with the government ...
Stand up, pray for the success of Secular and Sporting India With every religious group in numbers, living in perfect harmony since centuries, India is a byname for secularism, as much as it is country ...
Hockey in the limelight at the Indian Sports Legends function India’s leading news channel CNN-IBN and their sister channels organized a grand Indian Sports Legends program last Saturday night at the capital city’s extravagant Taj ...
May I please state categorically that never have I ever sought to prevent the media from doing their job. It is essential that the media be given prime importance in order that the sport receives ...
We are happy to inform that the editor of the site has got his accreditation for the Commonwealth Games today. This is a step forward for the site to cover hockey. Now that the first ...
Recently two Olympic Committee Presidents spoke on the forthcoming Delhi Commonwealth Games. One speaks with sportsmanship while the other tries to carve a one man up. It is interesting to see who between them bear ...
Open Challenge to Denis Meredith It seems to me now hockey cannot live without the likes of Denis Merediths. They are experts to themselves, unparalleled masters in the eyes of the FIH. This expert from ...
OGQ Launches ‘Power your Champion’ program New Delhi: Not-for-profit Foundation Olympic Gold Quest announces the launch of a new program called ‘Power your Champion’ to create involvement among Indians and to raise sustainable funding to ...
Itching to see quality hockey, its overdue now. Sports is all about players, coaches, crowd, — and of course fans. We are very near to witness a mega event unfolding in Delhi. Am excited about ...