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Hockey star Viren Rasquinha knows a thing or two about grassroots development. He himself was a glittering product of an indomitable effort lasting decades by Dronacharya awardee Merzban ‘Bawa’ Patel a selfless founder of the fabled Republicans Club in Mumbai.

Bawa, who devoted his life to the sport while sacrificing his own financial security, is an altruist for the sport and in Rasquinha’s words “A world champion in grassroots development.”

So it doesn’t surprise anybody that the now retired former India captain, resolute centre-half and currently Director and CEO of Olympic Gold Quest joined hands with GoSports Foundation to care for disadvantaged grassroots players all over the country whose families have been ravaged by the lockdown induced by the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic.

LetsStickTogether, the product of the joint initiative by two top non-governmental, not-for-profit institutions, aspires to raise Rs 20 lakh by July 15 to aid 200 grassroots players, coaches and groundsmen struggling to earn a living, Rasquinha explained.

“Scores of grassroots players belong to families whose incomes have been zero in the last three months,” the 39-year-old erudite player explained.

Their fathers are autorickshaw drivers, barbers and fruit sellers to name a few occupations hit hard by the lockdown, Rasquinha elaborated.

“And then there are coaches and groundsmen all over the country, involved in grassroots development struggling with little or no income,” he added.

“Viewing their plight struck a chord,” Viren said.

Rasquinha then revealed that he collaborated with his good friend Nandan Kamath the founder of GoSports Foundation to hit upon a plan to help these needy.

“Hockey has given me so much in life,” Rasquinha said. “I am deeply saddened to see the severe impact of Covid-19 at the grassroots level,” said the Olympian, World Cupper and a key member of the Junior World Cup winning squad of 2001.

“We also hope at least 25 % of those benefited are families of female players,” said Rasquinha.

How does it work?

“We have intermediaries all over India, trusted former players and administrators of the sport who will help us identify deserving cases,” he explained.

“For example, we have Dilip Tirkey in Odisha, Conroy Remedios in Mumbai, Sanggai Chanu of Manipur and Bharat Chikara of Haryana to name a few and there are so many of my friends in Punjab serving the cause,” Rasquinha said.

“And we are aware of organizations doing exemplary work for disadvantaged grassroots players – for example One Thousand Hockey Legs in New Delhi run by Mr Arumugam and Jude Felix Academy in Bengaluru,” Rasquinha revealed.

“They are some of our intermediaries in the project,” he added.

Donations may be made using the link: https://playfor.in/initiatives/lets-stick-together/

Rasquinha is confident that the effort will bring joy and relief to 200 families, half of whom will receive a grant in a few days time thanks to a heartening response to the call.

“The announcement will provide hope to the young players and their families and that will encourage them continue playing during these troubled times,” he said.

The Mumbai-based Rasquinha hopes the second phase lives up to expectations and a Rs 10,000 purse per family is realized in good time.


  1. VICKY KUMAR SHAH August 6, 2020

    I thank you very much that you helped the children of Shahpurjat(othl)in this coivd-19 epidemic.your step help many families, thanks a lot sir. you doing great work.

  2. Rohit August 7, 2020

    Thank you you helped us in this covid-19.

  3. Ashish kumar gupta August 8, 2020

    Thanks a lot for helping us in covid situation.. Once again thank you sir


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